Let’s Get Talking
We want you to recognize the amazing things you’re already doing, build your confidence, and give you skills to learn how to support your child at home, from language to learning to behaviour.
“Let’s get talking” is a collaborative speech, language, and learning program designed by our speech-language pathologist and behaviour analyst.
Our program is designed for children who:
• Are late talkers
• Have a family history of language delays
• Have speech or language delays
• May or may not have a diagnosed speech and/or language impairment
How It Works
• We begin with an online consultation at no charge to hear more about your concerns, your child’s strengths and your current goals
• You and your child come into the clinic for an assessment with our team.
• Our BCBA® and SLP professionals complete a report with recommendations.
• Combining the efforts of our SLP and BCBA® professionals we have developed a 4-6 week course.
• You will learn about: early language strategies, practical tips for language and behaviour, ways to encourage your child’s development, and language milestones .
Program Includes
• 50-minute appointment
• Joint Assessment with SLP & Senior Therapist
Includes a brief summary report and intervention goals.
Initial Assessment
• Parent empowerment sessions mean that parents are actively involved and learn strategies to use at home.
• All supervision costs are included (SLP + BCBA)
Weekly (or bi-weekly) intervention
Asynchronous learning modules
• Teaching videos that you can watch at home (and with other caregivers/parents) to reinforce what was learned in session. Watch at your own pace. Videos each ~20 min in length.